For those of you who are considering becoming a Corporate Flight Attendant read on. You may be curious what a typical day consists of and if so we hope this blog will give you some clarity and insight.
Being a Corporate Flight Attendant has a lot more to it than meets the eye. Most people would probably assume it’s a thrill seeking, glamorous life filled with vibrant new beginnings. Jets setting to remote, exotic, beautiful locations you’ve always dreamed of visiting all while getting paid. Becoming culturally diverse and seeing more parts of the world than most people get the chance to experience in a lifetime. Meeting the top 1 percentile and having the opportunity to open doors for yourself you never felt possible. While all this is true, there are also some other essential parts of this career that are important to be aware of in order to make sure this is the right fit for you.
You will need to be able to think quickly, be a problem solver and play many different roles. What we mean by this is you are not just a corporate flight attendant. You are also a personal assistant, chef in the sky, willing and ready to help and assistant in case of emergency all while anticipating your guests’ needs in flight with the highest level of fine dining service and care.
For example: Say the broker preparing your trip for the following day emails you requesting you pick up Diet Sunkist soda for your lead passenger in St. Maarten for the week. He tells you he just loves Diet Sunkist soda and won’t drink anything else. It’s safe to assume St.Maarten won’t carry Diet Sunkist soda so it would be smart to stock up on some extra before you leave for the flight. You don’t want to be running around St.Maarten for hours in search of this very rare Diet Sunkist soda instead of enjoying your layover on this beautiful island. Also we can save you the trouble and time. There is no Diet Sunkist soda there. We have learned this the hard way. (This is a true story)
Let’s give another scenario: Say the broker calls you 2 hours before a flight and says your lead passenger desperately wants dog treats and cinnamon sugar bagels for the flight and is requesting you to find them. What is the smartest and quickest way to get this done and be ready in time for passengers to arrive? Google and critical time management skills become very essential in times like these. For example researching where you can find both those items and calling first to make sure they are actually in stock will save you multiple trips looking for these requests on a time crunch.
No one is perfect and we are all only human at the end of the day… besides corporate flight attendants we are a little more prepared. We are ready to take on the impossible, we are ready to have that Diet Sunkist Soda for you in St.Maarten because we have learned and dealt with these tasks every day. Waking up in different time zones, shopping for bizarre requests on remote islands and always going above and beyond is just another “Day in the life of a Corporate Flight Attendant.” Do we regret these long days and sleepless nights on the job doing all we can to exceed our guests expectations? No because of the rewards, friendships and priceless treasures that can’t be bought. The tips and tricks we learn with this job we can benefit from and use for the rest of our lives.
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